Wednesday, March 16, 2011

14 years and counting

William Wordsworth once said "How does the Meadow flower its bloom unfold? Because the lovely little flower is free down to its root, and in that freedom bold."  I thought of Emma when I came across that today.

Today my "baby" girl turned 14 years old. FOURTEEN!!!!  14 seems to sound so much older than 13, maybe because i can distinctly remember being 14.  Emma is very lucky, she is smart and beautiful and it comes so naturally to her.  I don't have to harp on her to do her school work, she just does it. Her teachers seem to sincerely enjoy her as a student ( I think when I was her age they just said those things to be nice), she seems to have a good handle on what she wants to do when she grows up ( of course, at 14 that changes from week to week).

I remember her as a baby with her beautiful big blue eyes and her perfectly round face. She had a ton of hair and she was a good baby.  She was very advanced for her age ( which i know all moms say).  She would go to the Dr and recite her favorite little book "The Pokey Little Puppy" (it was a shortened version).  "He snips a stwaberwee, wed and sveet" (He sniffs a strawberry sweet and red.... the previous was her adaptation)... I remember it like it was yesterday, so how could it be 14 years??  IDK...

I wish for her to be her bright beautiful self. I wish that she follows her heart.  I hope she gets to do the many many things i never did, and i hope she remembers to send pictures to me.

Happy Birthday Emma!!


  1. Emma is a beautiful girl, inside and out. I know she will give you some gray hair, but she is going to turn out just fine in the end, just the way her mom did!

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