Wednesday, March 9, 2011

And so it goes...

ANOTHER job interview today.... Hopefully this time it is as advertised and i don't spend the day in the ER because of it... ( you may think that was sarcasm, but sadly it isnt).  Granted i have been less than forthcoming with my kids about why i am not working right now, i dont want them to get a preconceived notion about a job that i didnt have the ability to do, but that takes VERY dedicated and wonderful people to do. 

This morning Emma asked me "Just what time DO you work these days". I told her that i am looking again and have a meeting this morning and was interrupted by Abby saying "Is it a faculty meeting?" ( apparently that is what kind of meetings all the teachers at work go to) Emma jumps and says No and I jump and say yes. Easier for an 8 year old to understand.  Where i then said to Emma "I am going to use all of my Faculties to nail this interview and get this job"  I received a blank stare.. maybe she is still thinking about it... i doubt it. 

Last night abby had us sign her spelling test that she received a 105% on and Audrey happened to be walking through and said "God i am glad that we dont have to take spelling tests anymore", Rob replied "well, can you spell?" and i interrupted this time and said NO!!  None of them can, which is about to lead into my next rant about technology and how kids dont have to learn to spell anything anymore and the lazy way they communicate with each other.  I dont have time right now because of the aforementioned "faculty meeting" that i need to get ready for.  

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