Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday Monday....

It is 7:44am on a Monday....

Let me start with the 8 year old...
* Did YOU remember to sign my agenda?
* Did YOU remember to fill out my picture forms? This is a 21.00 project for us
* I need a check for lunch money. a 10.00 project
* i need the cereal that we hid so i could have some (yes this is true... a box of cereal lasts 3 hours in this house and if you want some in the next day you must hide it... this goes for adults as well)
* Dont forget i have dance tonight

The 16 year old :
makes an appearance at 7:35am
Yesterday she tells us
* I needs APUSH review book.. you can get it on amazon (ordered it for $11.33)
*5 mins later says OH i also need APUSH review cards from amazon ( ordered from amazon 5 mins later, also for $11.00 ish missing the chance to order both at a discounted rate....)
* I will also need SAT review book and money for SAT which i will have to take at Clarence BC the Akron one is full BC there is only 60 some spots ( there are over 100 kids, WHY is there only 60 some spots??  THAT is a question i will get an answer to soon)
* Where is MY Tennis Try Out info envelope?  (quickly found after redirected to massive pile of lost paperwork on the floor... this not a new pile) Of course nothing is filled out because i was waiting to find some info out.. still dont know that info, but i filled the paperwork out anyway in 5 mins while 16 year stood and starred at me.  She proceeds to leave and i say "you have your tennis racquet right? NOPE... at this point she also informs us that she is going to need new better sneakers so she isnt sliding all over....

The 14 year old :
does not make an appearance untill 7:48 while the truck is running waiting for her to get in... comes down in the same clothes she has on yesterday ... wherein i DARE ask "have you changed your clothes since yesterday where i get "told" ( we will use the word "told" ) YES MOM.. GOD. She is not wearing socks... wherein i DARE ask "are you wearing socks?" where again, i will use the word "told" WHY WOULDNT I WEAR SOCK? as she is shaking what i am pretty sure are dirty socks.. but whatever...

So between yesterday and this morning we have spent 53.33.. this does not include the aforementioned sneakers that "may" be needed and all the SAT "stuff"...

Oh and by the way.. Gas is at 3.69 a gallon and i drive an SUV that gets 14 miles to the gallon.. HAPPY MONDAY ALL!!!
I also need a new job... AGAIN, Happy monday all!!

Wouldn't trade my life for anything.. keeps me "The Young and the Stressfull".. Right?

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